Why Natural Wine?

Who we are...

CUATRO RAMAS is a family business where my four children and I work together: Veronica, Juan, Maximiliano, Sofia and me, Juan Jose.

It began in 2020 after years of studying and researching the world of natural wine, as well as all the challenges involved in being able to make a quality product. We decided to make a difference in this area and thus came to the realization of a central idea: to produce natural wine, without chemical additives, which is the expression of the highest quality within our reach, coming from old recovered plots.

We act in synergy, each one adding to this beautiful project what we like to do most with creativity and joy.

What we do...

We recover and care for old plots, abandoned due to the impact of industrialization on viticulture.

In the Vineyard

Juan takes care of the tasks in the fields. From the search for native varieties, select for the eventual recovery of old plots, tillage and harvesting. We recover the landscape, biodiversity in each vineyard, in this sense our work is strictly ecological, we do not use chemical fertilizers or pesticides, nor do we apply any other practice that attacks the soil. 

In the Winery

Juan José takes care of the winery, of all the processes from the entry of the grapes, their elaboration, to the exit of the wine in each bottle; which we want to be unique and different. We recover ancestral knowledge in the production methods. We break with the industrial control of the grape juice that distorts what is meant by vintage. That encounter of the unique conditions of soil, climate and vine with the art of our hands.

In the Office

Maximiliano is the sales representative, develops marketing strategies and presence on social networks.

Veronica is in charge of the administration, while creating publications, videos and photography.

Sofia, who lives in the UK, is a point of connection with the foreign market.


Our hearts fill with pride to be able to share this great achievement with everyone!  

Our first young red wine has achieved 87 points in the Peñín Guide!!

The Peñín Guide to the Wines of Spain is the most complete Spanish wine manual in the world. It has editions in Spanish, English, German and Chinese; and it is the tool most used by amateurs and professionals to make wine purchase decisions.

It works with a scoring system ranging from 50 to 100; and the tasting is carried out by a series of professional tasters.

Having achieved such a good score on our first wine and being a family winery, is of incalculable relevance for us; and gives us the certainty that we are on the right track.

It tells us that sacrifices and hard work pay off and have paid off; And it also gives us an injection of motivation to continue producing quality natural wine. 

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